About us

The Most helpful company that will help you as a student


We are passionate about providing accessible and affordable education helps individuals achieve their career goals and develop their creative skillset. Our experienced team of ambassadors and instructors are dedicated to providing practical knowledge and skills that students can apply in real-world situations.


We believe that our courses offer a unique value proposition that sets us apart from the competition. To strengthen our position in the market, we plan to continue to expand our course offerings, build our brand, and deepen our partnerships with relevant industry organizations.


Mastering graphic design requires training, time, and continuous practice We’re here to guide you every step of the way on your journey toward becoming a skilled graphic designer

Do not forget to "Follow Us" to know our news!
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What Our
Learners Say

Those are the feedbacks of our students from all of our different courses. Enjoy reading them to trust us more!

الباشمهندس شرحه فوق الخيال اللهم بارك وبيشرح بضمير مش بس بوقت معين وبيحب يفيدنا بكل اللى يعرفه بكل تفصيل ما شاء الله تحفه جدا وأن شاء الله نكون سوا فى كورس الadvanced
Menna Allah Medhat Ali
Fifth Course
الكورس كان جميل ومفيد جدا وبصراحة قضينا فترة ممتعة مع البشمهندس وقدرنا بعون الله ثم بالكورس نعمل حاجات متوقعتش اني اعملها
Osama Salama
Fifth Course
بصراحة الواحد كان داخل مش عارف أي حاجة في المجال وبفضل الله ثم بجهود شركةpixispace وصلنا لمرحلة ممكن أقول فيها عن نفسي graphic designer وبجد شكرا ليكم اوي من أعماق قلبي
Youssef Fikrey
Fifth Course

Who Will You
Learn With?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur cing elit. Suspe ndisse suscipit sagittis leo sit met condimentum esti

Improving Student's Lives

Through Learning

Meet Our Team

Tom Sanders

President & CEO

Tom Sanders

Chief People Officer

Tom Sanders

Lead Developer

Dollie Horton

Project manager

Tom Sanders


Tom Sanders


Tom Sanders

Financial Services

Tom Sanders




PixiSpace offers you the following services in a perfect way which you won’t find in any other place. Follow us on our social media platforms to see more services and unique surprises especially for you and for a short time!

Graphic Orders & Works

Specializes in various design services, such as logos, advertisements, photo editing, and ID cards and more.

Free/Paid Courses

We offer Offline and Online Graphic Design courses to all ages and skill levels, designed to provide a simple, yet comprehensive approach for students helping them to work and earn money.

Job Opportunities

Provide job opportunities for learners in our company. In addition, we teach them how they can earn money and work as graphic designers after our courses.

Social Media Contribution

Useful posts and reels for those graphic designers who need some tips and tricks to help them in their work

A Great Place to Grow

Join us now to learn, grow, and be different with our community!

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